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Overseas Projects

Overseas Business

Project background
  • Air service demand is constantly increasing all over the world, and there is growth in the market for modernization of existing airports and constructing new airports
  • Export Incheon Airport’s experience and expertise as a seasoned airport construction and management business to motivate further growth in the sector and raise global leaders in the aviation field
Promotional Strategies
추진전략표-추진전략과 상세내용 안내
Focus on contracted businesses
(airport operation consulting)
First public corporation to operate
overseas airports
Promotion of full-scale
diversification projects
  • Focus mainly on simple consulting
  • All-or-nothing overseas airport operations
  • Start Kuwait T4 and Hang Nadim Airport PPP projects
  • Successful overseas airport operations
  • Reach top 5 global ranking through additional diversified projects
Promotional Business Plan
사업모델별 추진방안표-사업별 추진방안 안내
Consulting (Airport Construction) Master plan, appraisal research, design supervision, project management, trial runs, etc.
Consulting (Airport Operations) Improvement of service quality, airport marketing, increase non-airport related revenues, IT service, aviation safety system, aviation security, etc.
Equity Investments Investment of shares in overseas airport considering the possibility of overseas business expansion.
Consignments Participation of projects in different fields with small to medium-sized airport by making strategical alliances with local businesses.
Public-Private Partnerships Promotion of business through collaboration with global EPC business as a airport operator and strategic investor (SI).
Overseas Airport M&A Merger and acquisition of small to medium-sized overseas airports that has potential for growth.
Establishment of Overseas Business Specialized Subsidiary Establishment of an overseas business specialized subsidiary with technical expertise to be in charge of overseas projects of Incheon Airport.
  • ’07 Created Business Overseas Team
  • ’09 Obtained first consultation project for Iraq Arbil New Airport
  • 31 international business expansions in 15 countries thus far (USD 746.64 million)
해외사업 추진현황 안내 표
Iraq Arbil Management Consultation(2009~2014)
Dohuk CM Consultation(2013~2016)
Turkey Istanbul New Airport Management Consultation(2015~2021)
Russia Khabarovsk Novy Airport Master Plan (2009~2011)
Khabarovsk investment (2011~2017)
Send airport export to Khabarovsk(2011~2013)
Uzbekistan Tashkent Terminal Construction feasibility study(2016)
Improvement of operation and establishment of development strategy for Tashkent Airport, Uzbekistan(2017~2018)
Iran Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport (2017)
Bangladesh Shared new airport development experiences(2012~2013)
Cambodia Siem Reap New Airport ICT advising (2010~2011)
Indonesia Dispatch of experts to Jakarta Airport (2012)
Operation support to Surabaya Airport (2012~2015)
Jakarta Airport PMC (2013~2015)
Founded Surabaya T3 MP (2014~2015)
Operation support to Jakarta Airport T3 (2015~2017)
Consulting and training services for 13 airports of Indonesia's PT Angkasa Pura 1 (2018~2020)
Operational development of Hang Nadim Airport (BTH) in Indonesia (2022~2047)
India Delhi Airport ACI APEX program Dispatch of experts (2011)
Nepal Nepal New Airport feasibility study(2010~2011)
Philippines Founded Mactan–Cebu International Airport MP (2010~2011)
Dispatch of experts to the Department of Transportation, Philippines (2010~2012)
Manila T3 technique Consultation(2012~2015)
Philippines National Airport Master Plan (2013~2015)
Palawan Airport construction management(2012~2018)
Mactan–Cebu International Airport technique Consultation(2015~2020)
Paraguay Dispatching of National Airport Expert MPs (2014)
Founded national aviation development MP(2015~2017)
Dominican Republic Airport Immigration in Dominica (2015~2016)
Kuwait Consignment operation of Kuwait Airport T4 (2018~2023)
Poland New Central Polish Airport Strategic Advisor Project (2021-2024)
Range of projects
  • Large 3 categories of business: airport planning and construction, airport management support and consultation, investment
  • Customized support to fit each airport’s character
Airport planning and construction
  • Feasibility Study(F/S)
  • Establish master plan
  • Blueprint consulting
  • VE(Value Engineering)
  • Construction Management (CM)
  • ORAT(Operational Readiness and Airport Transfer)
Airport management Consultation
  • Establish vision and management strategy
  • Customer service management
  • Airline opening and marketing
  • Commercial Facility theme strategy
  • Air safety and security
  • Transit area and airside management
  • Share investment
  • PPP business
  • BOT, BTO business
  • Airport consignment management business
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공항 건설 컨설팅 현장 모습
Direct any questions regarding information on the website to:
  • Managing department : Business Overseas Team 1
  • Telephone : +082-32-741-2185, 2186