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Incheon International Airport Corporation logo


Logistics Services

Free Trade Zone


The Free Economic Zone of Incheon International Airport located in the center of Northeast Asia creates an international business environment by providing convenient international customs procedures, duty abatement and other various incentives.

Conceptual Diagram
Customs Area(taxable)
  • Customs charge- Import customs clearance
  • Carrying on domestic products- Considered export (Refund/exemption)
  • (GATE)

Free Trade Zone (untaxable)

  • Distribution and reproduction function
  • (GATE)
  • Carrying out domestic products
  • Customs exempted
  • Skip customs procedure
  • Carrying on products
  • (re)export/transshipment
Free Economic Zone Guide Map
자유무역지역현황 이미지
Incheon Free Economic Zone Access route
인천국제공항 자유무역지역 접근로 이미지
  • Using the Incheon International Airport Highway
    • Enter Airport Entrance IC from Incheon International Airport Highway
    • Turn in the direction of Cargo Terminal from Airport Entrance IC
    • Arrive at Free Trade Area
  • Using Incheon Bridge
    • Incheon Bridge
    • Turn in the direction of Cargo Terminal from Airport New City IC
    • Turn in the direction of Cargo Terminal from Shinbul IC
    • Arrive at Free Trade Area
Incheon Airport Railroad Guide

Get off at the Incheon International Airport Cargo Terminal and take the shuttle bus to AICC.

Direct any questions regarding information on the website to:
  • Managing department: Logistics Development Team
  • Telephone: +082-32-741-2276