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PR Center

Air Traffic Statistics

Incheon International Airport Statistics

Incheon International Airport's performance only(Arrival and departure are based on Incheon International Airport.)

Performance by terminal can only be retrieved by passenger flight service and passenger performance

Monthly statistics are updated after five days of the following month's first business day (excl. weekends and holidays).

(unit: line, person, ton)

요일별 통계에 대한 안내 표입니다.
Day of the week Flight Passengers Cargo
Arrival Departure Total Arrival Departure Total Arrival Departure Total
Monday 2,145 2,133 4,278 396,056 343,939 739,995 15,988 13,572 29,560
Tuesday 2,104 2,038 4,142 362,199 302,003 664,202 15,545 13,948 29,494
Wednesday 2,183 2,291 4,474 354,307 343,945 698,252 18,710 18,993 37,704
Thursday 2,190 2,142 4,332 365,111 343,457 708,568 17,679 16,175 33,854
Friday 2,776 2,766 5,542 492,548 466,140 958,688 22,271 22,580 44,851
Saturday 2,724 2,737 5,461 505,901 443,801 949,702 22,504 19,405 41,909
Sunday 2,709 2,700 5,409 521,479 453,219 974,698 21,758 19,805 41,564
Total 16,831 16,807 33,638 2,997,601 2,696,504 5,694,105 134,455 124,479 258,935
YoY +41.1%
For inquiries posted on the website, contact us using the following information.
  • Department : Airport Research Center
  • TEL : 032-741-2093