Late-night bus

The information on the website is for reference only. Please check with the corresponding airline/institution/facility for accuracy.

Terminal 1 Seoul Late-night Bus Fare

  • Use of full-time employee tickets or discounted tickets is not permitted.
제1여객터미널 서울 심야버스 운행요금 안내 표 목적지, 성인, 어린이, 요금지불 방법
Bus Number (Destination) Adults Children
N6000 (Gangnam Express Bus Terminal) KRW 17,000 KRW 10,000 Please make sure to buy bus tickets at the bus ticket office.
N6001 (Seoul Station)
N6002 (Seoul Station)
N6701 (Dongdaemun; DDP) KRW 18,000 KRW 12,000 Reserve your spot for boarding using transportation cards, cash, or the T-money Go app.
N6703 (Jamsil; Lotte World)

To Songjeong Station: KRW 10,000 (adults), KRW 6,000 (children)


서울 심야버스 운행노선 안내도 : 강남 고속버스터미널행(N6000) 인천공항 제1여객터미널-송정역35분-염창역45분-강남고속버스터미널70분, 서울역행(N6001)-인천공항제1여객터미널-송정역35분-염창역45분-서울역70분,동대문디자인플라자행(N6701)-인천공항제1여객터미널-마포역50분-서울역60분-을지로입구65분-동대문디자인플라자70분,잠실롯데월드행(N6703)-인천공항제1여객터미널-서래마을50분-코엑스65분-잠실롯데월드70분

Operating hours (Terminal 1)

제1여객터미널 운행시각 안내 표 - 노선번호, 출발지, 목적지, 출발시간, 목적지 도착시간, 운송사
Bus Number Origin Destination Leave Arrive Origin Destination Leave Arrive
N6000 Terminal 1 To Gangnam Express Bus Terminal 00:00 01:10 To Gangnam Express Bus Terminal Terminal 1 22:40 23:50 Airport Limousine
00:40 01:50 23:20 00:30
01:40 02:50 00:20 01:30
02:40 03:50 01:20 02:30
03:20 04:30 02:00 03:10
04:20 05:30 03:00 04:10
N6001 To Seoul Station 00:20 01:30 To Seoul Station 23:00 00:10
01:00 02:10 23:40 00:50
02:00 03:10 00:40 01:50
03:00 04:10 01:40 02:50
03:40 04:50 02:20 03:30
04:40 05:50 03:20 04:30
N6002 01:20 02:30 Does not stop at T1
04:20 05:30
N6701 To Dongdaemun; DDP 23:50 01:00 To Dongdaemun; DDP 23:10 00:30 K Airport Limousine
02:00 03:10 01:05 02:25
03:55 05:05 03:15 04:35
N6703 To Jamsil; Lotte World 00:00 01:10 To Jamsil; Lotte World 23:20 00:35
02:05 03:15 01:15 02:30
04:00 05:10 03:20 04:35

Late-night bus stop

Incheon Airport Passenger Terminal 1

제1여객터미널 서울심야버스 정류장 위치도 : 버스정차장 3B(N6701, N6703) 6A(N6000,N6001,N6002)
Related information
    • Airport Limousine (02-2664-9898)
    • K Airport Limousine (02-2667-0386)
  • Transportation Operation Team

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