Incheon International Airport opens the Era of ‘Incheon Airport 4.0’ with ‘Digital’, ‘Green’ and ‘AI-Hub’
  • writing date 2024.07.12
  • hits 4696

Incheon International Airport opens the Era of ‘Incheon Airport 4.0’ with ‘Digital’, ‘Green’ and ‘AI-Hub’


Incheon International Airport Corporation (President Lee Hag-jae) announced that it held a ceremony for the declaration of "Incheon Airport Vision 2040," outlining the airport's future strategy in response to the paradigm shift in the airport industry.

Amidst rapid global macro-environmental changes and a paradigm shift in the airport industry, the vision 2040 was established to provide an opportunity for Incheon International Airport to take a new leap forward, marking the first year of President Lee Hag-jae’s inauguration.

The core of Vision 2040 is the leap into the "Incheon Airport 4.0 era." The Corporation plans to go beyond the eras of Incheon Airport 2.0 and 3.0, opening up the Incheon Airport 4.0 era that creates new value through the airport.
*The highest level of air transportation facilities (2.0) → Provision of differentiated experience (3.0) → New value creation (4.0)

Through this, the corporation plans to expand its global role by embracing new fields beyond the airport industry, generating economic ripple effects at the national level, and leading the future airport market where talents and companies converge, presenting a role as a 'game changer' that leads future changes beyond just ‘an airport that people want to visit’.

【Key Contents of Vision 2040】
Vision 2040 of the Corporation, under the slogan "Beyond an Airport, Changing the World," is structured with four major strategies and three key focus areas.

The four strategies are: ① Digital airport innovation, ② Completion of a hyper-connected mobility hub, ③ Establishment of a convergence innovation ecosystem, and ④ Leap of an airport specialized groups.
Firstly, the corporation plans to establish new airport infrastructure reflecting future environmental trends such as Net-Zero, by accelerating digital transformation such as big data, digital twins, robots, and AI. It also aims to complete an ultra-connected mobility hub where passengers and cargo gather and connect based on new airport services and customer experiences.
Furthermore, the corporation plans to promote creative innovation beyond the boundaries of pre-and post-industries and expand global ventures, innovating management systems to effectively respond to opportunities and potentials, and to leap as an airport specialist group.
To this end, the Corporation has selected three key focus areas: ① Digital transformation, ② Eco-friendly net zero, and ③ AI innovation hub, and plans to focus on them.
Once this vision is realized, Incheon Airport in 2040 is expected to evolve into a platform where talents, technologies, industries, and cultures converge in the future industries sector as an AI innovation hub while leaping into a pioneer of hydrogen economy.
Furthermore, Incheon airport is expected to evolve into a global airport specialist group achieving the top position in logistics, MRO, and operating more than 10 overseas airports.
From an airport operation perspective, it is expected to have the capability of global top-level air transport capacity based on AI-based comprehensive airport operation and situation management systems (TAM) and differentiated access transportation that enables arrival within 2 hours anywhere in the country.

Hag-jae Lee, Presient & CEO of IIAC stated, "By 2040, Incheon Airport will become an airport that leads the future in all fields of industry, technology, and environment, ultimately changing the world through sustainable management," and said, "With the power that has built Incheon Airport into the world's best airport, we will all together create a completely new future for Incheon Airport."