Parking Fee Check your expected parking fee

Regular parking fee

Vehicle classification - Category, Compact, Large-size
Category Parking fee
Compact Large-size
Short-term Parking Lot Free (first 10 min.)
KRW 1,200 (first 30 min.)
KRW 600 (per extra 15 min.)
KRW 2.400 (per hour)

KRW 24,000 (daily rate)

Long-term Parking (Parking Tower included) Free (first 10 min.)
KRW 1,000 (per hour)

KRW 9,000 (daily rate)

Reserved Parking Free (first 10 min.)
KRW 1,000 (per hour)

KRW 9,000 (daily rate)

Cargo Terminal Parking Lot Free (first 45 min.)
KRW 500 (per extra 15 min.)

KRW 10,000 (daily rate)

Free (first 45 min.)
KRW 600 (per extra 15 min.)

KRW 12,000 (daily rate)

To avoid excessive parking fee, it is advised to use the Long-term Parking Lot if you plan on parking for more than one day.

Short-term Parking Lot is for private passenger cars only (height limit: 2.1m).

Fees for reserved parking are charged based on the actual time of arrival and departure. Large vehicles over 2.8m are not eligible to make parking reservations.

Short-term Parking Lot rates apply to the Incheon International Airport Corporation (Office) Parking Lot in Terminal 1 and the Second Government Complex Parking Lot in Terminal 2.

Vehicle classification

Vehicle classification - Category, Compact, Large-size
Category Compact Large-size
Passenger car All types -
Bus 15 passengers or less 16 passengers or more
Cargo truck Max. loading capacity of 1 ton Max. loading capacity exceeding 1 ton

For detailed classification, refer to the classification by scale specified in Annex 1 of the Enforcement Rule of the Automobile Management Act.

Parking fee payment

Parking fee payment - Payment via pre-paid kiosk/mobile app
Payment via pre-paid kiosk Payment via mobile app
  1. 1. Enter your plate number in an automatic payment machine located throughout the parking lot.
  2. 2. Pay the indicated amount and collect the receipt
    (debit card, credit card, transit card accepted).
  3. 3. Drive out of parking lot through the booth or automated gate.
  1. 1. Download the Incheon Airport guide app (available for Android and iOS).
  2. 2. Enter your plate number via "Parking - Parking Fee Payment" menu.
  3. 3. Select your vehicle type and pay the parking fee.
  4. 4. Drive out of parking lot through the booth or automated gate.
Parking Fee Payment - Payment at booth/automated gate
Payment at parking booth Payment at automated gate
  1. 1.Proceed to the parking booth.
  2. 2.Pay the fee, and exit
    (cash, debit card, credit card, transit card, Hi-Pass card accepted).
  1. 1.Proceed to the automated gate.
  2. 2.Pay the amount indicated on the screen
    (debit card, credit card, transit card, Hi-Pass card accepted).
  3. 3. Exit when the gate opens.

The reserved parking lot does not have a parking booth; only payment through an automated gate at the entrance is available. (See "Reserved parking services" for payment method.)

Directions for Auto Pay Stations

  1. 1. Select your vehicle number correctly.
  2. 2. If you select incorrectly, penalties may occur.

Refunds and cancellations take longer than 2 days.

Hi-pass Card
We DO NOT accept Hi-Pass or Hi-Pass card for a payment over 50,000won
Please use a credit card for a payment over 50,000 Won

ONLY Korean credit card supported
* If you don't have Korean credit card, please pay parking fee at Manned-lane with Cash

Inquiries : Traffic Management Center 032-741-7700 / Short-term Parking lot 032-741-6023


Discount Eligibility - Subcompact cars, Persons with disability / Persons of distinguished service to the state (w/ disability) / Persons of distinguished service for the May 18 Democratization Movement (w/ disability) / Patients suffering from aftereffects of defoliants (w/ disability), Vehicles of associations or groups of the disabled, Vehicles of multi-child families, Low-emission vehicles
  • Conditions: Light-typed motor vehicles according to Annex 1, Article 2 of the Enforcement Rules of the Automobile Management Act
  • Required documents: None (vehicle check through administrative information search)
Discount: 50%
  • Persons with Disabilities
  • Vehicles of Associations and Groups for Persons with Disabilities
  • Persons of Distinguished Service to State with Disability Ratings
  • Persons of Distinguished Service to the May 18 Democratization Movement with Disability Grades
  • Patients Suffering from Aftereffects of Defoliants with Disability Grades
  • Conditions: Instant discount after linking administrative information
  • Required documents: None (To receive on-site discount, you must present a disabled car sticker and a disability welfare card)
    ※ The disability welfare card holder must be on board to receive on-site discount.
Discount: 50%
Vehicles of Multi-child Families
  • Conditions: Automatic discount for families with 2 or more children (youngest under 15)
    ※ Korean citizens only
    Go to Incheon Airport Parking

    [ Required documents ]
    - Vehicle registration (under father/mother/direct ascendant's name) and certificate of residence
    ※ Registration required for automatic discount via website.
    ※ For corporation vehicles, visit for more information

  • Other information :If you fail to receive the automatic discount, you are not eligible for on-site discount; however, you can get a discount or exemption (refund) of the parking fee after payment according to the instructions on the above website (
Discount: 50%
Low-emission Vehicles
  • Conditions: K-eco certified low-emission vehicles (
  • Required documents: None (Instant discount after linking administrative information)

Class 1 & 2: 50%

Class 3: 20%

Discount or exemption after payment

If you fail to receive the automatic discount, you may submit the required documents (including the exit receipt) corresponding to each reason for reduction or exemption via within 30 days after exiting the parking lot. Your eligibility for reduction or exemption will be decided after a review of the documents.

요금감면 안내 표 - 경차, 장애인/국가유공자(상이등급)/5·18민주유공자(장애등급)/고엽제 후유증 환자(장애등급), 장애인 협회 차량 또는 장애인 단체 차량, 다자녀가구, 저공해 자동차
Persons with Disability, Persons of Distinguished Service to the State
  • A copy of welfare card, certificate of person of distinguished service, or Korean Expressway Corporation discount card (choose 1)
  • A copy of disability identification document for a vehicle
When submitting copies of required documents, make sure to hide (mask) the last 7 digits of the resident registration number, address, and contact information before uploading.

You must submit all documents for each reason.
  • A copy of vehicle registration
Low-emission Vehicles
  • A copy of vehicle registration
Vehicles of Groups of the Disabled
  • A copy of vehicle registration
  • A copy of disability identification document for a vehicle
Vehicles of Multi-child Families
  • Eligibility : Parents with 2 or more children (youngest under 15) or direct ascendants of the parents (check the required documents and submit via

The detailed classification of discount targets is as specified by the relevant law.

  • In order to ensure transparency in reducing parking fees of public institutions, Incheon Airport retains copies (scanned copies) of the relevant certificates (vehicle registration, resident registration, driver's license). Please be informed that security of the documents is strictly protected according to Article 9 of the Act on the Protection on Personal Information Maintained by Public Institutions (Securing Safety, etc. of Private Information).
  • Commercial vehicles (call vans and taxis, etc.) are excluded from discounts. However, parking fees can be discounted if documents verifying the use of a commercial vehicle for a personal purpose are presented.
Related information

Parking Fee Calculator


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